Why RNAscope™

Struggling with IHC? Switch to RNAscope™


Developing an IHC assay is often a resource- and time-consuming process. RNAscope™ is the “IHC” equivalent for RNA biomarkers. RNAscope™ can succeed where IHC fails, and it can be a better choice:


  • Fast, risk-free assay development
    The turnaround time for developing an assay for a new biomarker is less than 3 weeks, with guaranteed success.
  • Exceptional sensitivity and specificity
    If your targets are present, they will be detected using RNAscope™.
  • Superior multiplexing capability
    Several biomarkers can be detected in situ simultaneously.


This diagram illustrates how the difficulties in developing IHC assays add costs and risks to your biomarker validation process, and how RNAscope™ can change the game.


End-of-the-Road with LCM? Follow up with RNAscope™


Laser capture microdissection (LCM) has been a useful research tool for collecting specific cells of interest from heterogeneous clinical specimens and performing molecular analysis on these isolated cells. However, this method is not suitable for routine diagnostic applications in clinical settings, due to the complexity and cost involved in the sample collection process. Although many promising biomarkers have been found using LCM, they have no viable path toward routine research and diagnostic use. Now RNAscope™ can further validate these candidate biomarkers and seamlessly turn them into diagnostic tests.


Can’t Find your Biomarkers? Try RNAscope™


Many suitable biomarkers are hidden in the clinical specimens which cannot be revealed by solution-based gene expression profiling assays such as microarray or RT-PCR. The reason: these biomarkers are not only expressed in specific cells of interest but also present in irrelevant cell populations. It is time to dig them out with RNAscope™.