
ACD is developing novel cancer diagnostic tests, including tests for:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC)
  • Cervical Cancer


Enabled by RNAscope’s unique technical capabilities, these tests could lead to clinical breakthroughs in cancer management.

  • Our breast cancer test can provide prognosis for early-stage breast cancer patients. This test can accurately identify patients who are at low risk of cancer recurrence, sparing them from unnecessary chemotherapy.
  • Our CTC test can detect and characterize circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in blood. It can be used to monitor therapy response and disease progression, to determine patient prognosis, and to match targeted therapy to the molecular profile of CTCs.
  • Our cervical cancer test can detect the existence of high grade precancerous lesions. It can be used for cervical cancer screening and triage of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance.


As technical development for these tests are being completed, we are establishing collaborations for clinical validation and clinical trials.  Please contact if interested.