It looks simple, as all good solutions do. Our process is anchored in an analysis of the three key realities that must drive any branding and messaging strategy:
Per the Reality-Based Triangle model, branding-related questions we will address collaboratively with you include: Our Reality-Based branding system, which we’ve perfected over 30+ years, is a fast track to big ideas and insights that drive revenue and keep you.
Customer/target audience
What are customer priorities, issues, aspirations and market “pain”? How does this differ by buyer persona: decision-makers, influencers, hands-on users, partners, investors? What motivates them to explore options and make the decision you want them to make?
Who are your key competitors and what are their strengths/weaknesses? How are competitors and other companies in this space branding themselves now? How do they differentiate themselves? What benefits do they claim? What is their online brand personality and message?
Your strengths
In this context, what are the best ways to position you to optimize the customer journey and establish preference? How can you be more relevant to the goals of each prospect universe? What should your high-level organizing principle be, and how do we modify it to resonate with each type of target? What’s your window of opportunity?
Alignment and collaboration

We’re here to support your business priorities
We’ll make sure that your message, sales channel support programs and budget allocations are aligned with your most important business goals.
If your product is complex and technical, we’ll boost sales with messaging that makes its value clear and simple.
If one vertical market or channel delivers better margins than another, we’ll prioritize budget accordingly.
We’re here to simplify your path to profit.
Collaborative strategy development
- Presentation of brand strategy document to your team in a conference call or in person. Your feedback is included in final revised version – it’s a collaborative process. This document becomes the framework for all communications. It includes:
- A summary of our findings, distilled in light of our Reality-Based analytical model and aligned with your objectives
- Target audiences and buyer personas: motivators, barriers to overcome, pain points, emotional and cultural triggers for engagement
- Recommended core value proposition and positioning strategy.
- Key support points for relevant customer-focused messaging
- Brand personality and brand “voice” (cultural branding)
Creative execution
There’s a chasm between strategy and creative execution. Reality2 has been crossing this chasm and bringing strategy to life creatively for over 30 years, in assets like new website, sales tools, ads, trade show booth, videos – all the key vehicles that carry your brand promise. As well as a new logo, corporate image and even a new name if needed.