Professional Wet Cleaning

Know the Facts! Aqua is about the truth, and nothing but the truth.

We’re all about total transparency. Everything we say in our website and informational materials is substantiated by scientific research, reports and published studies. Switching from chemical dry cleaning is advocated at the government level, to the point that Perc (the most widely used chemical) will be illegal in LA starting in 2018 and in all of California in 2020. There are similar studies about Perc replacements that are based on petroleum or silicon (sand), and we have references for those, as well.

This page is in two major parts

First: the exact text on three of the main pages of the website, with “endnotes” next to various words, calling out the sources. We didn’t want to put these footnotes and end notes on the main pages because it makes it seem too academic, but if you’re interested, you can see where all our information comes from.

Second: A PDF you can download, “Human Health, Environmental and Physical Hazards of Professional Apparel Cleaning Technologies.” This includes hazards involved with each type of chemical or solvent used in the dry cleaning process, with information backed up with end-notes.

Text for website pages with footnotes and end-notes


Professional wet cleaning

We clean your “dry clean only” clothes with water technology, not hazardousi chemicalsii

Free pick-up & delivery

Our advanced wet cleaning system is better for youiii, your clothesiv, and the environmentv

From suits to silks, we clean your best clothes without hazardous chemicalsvi

Professional wet cleaning is a greentech breakthrough that makes your best clothing come out perfectly using water and special soaps, not a chemical bath.vii Say goodbye to “dry” cleaning, which actually sloshes your clothes around in hazardous chemical solvents.viii

Perfect cleaning without chemical dependency

Clothes look great, last longerix

Kind to your skin and healthierx

Superior stain removalxi

Fresh, soft and clean without a scent

Gentle to the environmentxii

Suit jackets too? Absolutely.

Does the label on your designer suit say “Dry Clean Only?” Have no fear. Professional wet cleaning is not only safe for fine gabardines and even leather – your suit jacket will look, feel and smell better.xiii

Whites stay white, delicates stay new.

Professional wet cleaning is kinder and gentler even for the most delicate silks and chiffons. Whites won’t yellow like they do with dry cleaning.xiv Our soaps and high-tech equipment work together to protect, condition and deep-clean fabrics. Without chemical abuse, clothes stay new and last longer.xv

Try us. Your first order is 50% off.

Know the facts


How professional wet cleaning cleans better

Why your “dry clean only” clothes come out cleanerxvi, look betterxvii, and last longer.xviii

It works by combining cutting-edge technologies that took 20 years to perfect. Biodegradable soaps use special enzymes to clean softly and safely in water. Advanced equipment processes and dries clothing so that it comes out perfectly. No more risk to people or the planet.xix

Our secret: water, air and technology.

Water and our gentle enzymatic soaps penetrate fabrics to clean more deeply than dry clean chemicals, which only clean the surface and are hazardous besides!

Air is another natural ingredient in our process. Air at the right temperature for the right amount of time dries and finishes garments that have been wet cleaned.

This is all made possible by advanced technology breakthroughs in protein-based detergents, computerized wet cleaning washers and dryers, and finishers.xx

Water is truly non-toxic.xxi

Dry cleaning isn’t dry. Or clean.

Traditional dry cleaning sloshes your clothes around in liquid chemicals that are full of everyone else’s dirt, since dirty solvents get re-used over and over.xxii . Perc, the most widely used dry clean solvent, is so dangerous it’s being outlawed.xxiii Newer chemicals sold with deceptive “green” names pose hazards too. In California it’s not legal to call them non-toxicxxiv.

Don’t be fooled by “organic” and “eco”

Many newer perc-free alternatives are being sold as “organic” or “eco” and even “Green”. Beware. They may be derived from “organic” materials, like petroleum or sand, but they’re still synthetic chemicals that pose hazards to human health and the environmentxxv

A perfect finish.

The grand finale of our water-based process is finishing with a breath of fresh air

Whoosh! Your garment is placed on our pneumatic finisher where air at the exact right temperature removes wrinkles, while precise tensioning shapes it into perfect form. From suits to elegant dresses, your wardrobe looks and feels better than new.

Healthier for your body.xxvi And for our planet.xxvii

With professional wet cleaning, there’s no more exposure to hazardous dry cleaning chemicalsxxviii

Why expose yourself and your loved ones,to hazardous, neurotoxic chemicals? Why breathe air polluted by hazardous dry cleaning solvents? Why allow soil and groundwater contamination in your community? Aqua water-based technology is a better way to care for your clothes, your health and our planet. H2O is the 100% healthy way to go.

Know the facts


Switch to wet cleaning and reap the rewards

Customers are happier with the results. You will be, too.

Dry cleaners who switch to wet cleaning keep customers happy and grow more rapidly. Customers love the improved quality even before they know about the green benefits. Wet cleaning is better for your customers and for your business.

A better business all around

Cleans everything better

Designer suits. Couture dresses. Aqua’s professional wet cleaning system does a better job on every type of garment. No exceptions.xxix

No toxic chemicals

Walk away from perc and its so-called “green”, “organic” replacements like petroleum (DF-2000, EcoSolve) or saloxane (GreenEarth). They’re all hazmats!xxx

Lower operating costs

No more expensive pollution control equipment. No more regulatory compliance costs. Save on equipment cost and energy.xxxi

Proven business-builder

Dry cleaners who switch to wet cleaning grow their customer base more rapidly than when they were dry cleaning.xxxii

More effective on anything “Dry clean only”

From power suits to wedding suits to delicate silks to leather, higher quality and satisfaction

Think there are some things you shouldn’t wet clean? Think again. The technology has come a long way. Aqua Professional Wet Cleaning is not only safe but more effective on “Dry clean only” “No washing” garments. There’s no shrinkage or bleeding. Stain removal is superior. Customers love the quality.

Don’t replace perc with yet another toxinxxxiii

Beware of “Green” “eco” alternatives that really aren’t

You know you’re going to have to replace perc. Wait! Petroleum-based alternatives like DF-2000, Eco-Solve, PureDry, Satec, and Stoddard; and Saloxane (Green Earth) are still hazmats despite the greenwash hype.xxxiv They’re hazardous with the attendant baggage. Water is healthier for your employees, your customers and the planet.

No more expensive pollution control

Turns out keeping the environment clean is good for business

Operational efficiencies from wet cleaning improve business performance. You won’t need expensive pollution control equipment like distillation and vapor recovery. No more costly regulatory compliance: disposal, still cleaning, fire suppression. No costly solvents. Wet cleaning equipment is less expensive to buy and maintain, and more energy efficient, too.xxxv

Delight current customers and attract new ones

They come for the quality. They stay for the green.

Dry cleaners who have converted to wet cleaning grow their customer bases faster, even before promoting themselves as environmentally friendly.xxxvi Why? It’s the improved quality of the cleaning. Current customers are so delighted that they tell their friends. Spotlight the health and environmental benefits, and new customers come pouring in!

We’ll get you all set up

Equipment, financing, training, marketing: we’ve got you covered

The new regulations have backed you into a corner.xxxvii You’re forced to replace your perc equipment whether you can afford to or not. Aqua turns a problem into an opportunity.

We’ll set you up in the wet cleaning business. From the latest Miele Wet Clean washers to cutting-edge computerized dryers to professional wet clean grade tensioning presses, we’ve identified the best equipment available, which we’ll install for you.

Aqua provides excellent financing programs for lease or purchase. We’ll show you how to qualify for California financial incentives and reimbursements. We’ll supply the proper detergents. We’ll train you and your staff in essential processing techniques. And, last but not least, we’ll give you marketing materials and support.

See for yourself: watch video

Aqua will set you up with all the ingredients for success. Watch our video demonstration with dry cleaners who converted in 2013 and are glad they did!

i AB998 Non-Toxic Dry Cleaning Incentive Program (AB998)

Legal questions:

  1. From AB998, there is some basis for using the words “non-toxic” and possibly “toxic”( see below of actual AB 998 text) Clear that ARB classified wet cleaning as non-toxic and non-smog forming. Green Earth petitioned to be included as a AB998 approved solvent but was rejected based on OEHHA assessment of Green Earth’s toxicity. Does ARB’s rejection of Green Earth’s petition to be classified as a non-toxic necessarily mean that we can claim Green Earth can be classified as “toxic”?)

(From AB998 test: “To be eligible for a grant pursuant to this section, applicants shall completely replace their percholorethylene-based dry cleaning system with a system that the state board, in consultation with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, and any other entity the state board determines to be appropriate, has determined to be nontoxic and nonsmog-forming. The state board shall determine the eligibility of grant recipients”)

ii Human Health and Environment Matrix comparing perc, petroleum, GE, PWC, and CO2. (Note: Use SF matrix, Guidebook matrix, ARB, OEHHA, and EPA Cleaner Technologies Substitute Assessment: Professional Fabricare Processes 1998 (Ch 10), docs from NESHAP challenge.

iii Human Health and Environment Matrix

iv Need citation on long dry cycle in dry cleaning to reduce ppm leading to excessing drying. EPA 1997 Conference?

v Human Health and Environment Matrix

vi Human Health and Environment Matrix

vii Note: Perc, petroleum, and siloxane-based Green Earth are all synthetic chemical solvents.

viii Perchloroethylene is listed as a Toxic Air Contaminant by the State of California and the Hazardous Air Pollutant by Federal Clean Air At.

Toxicity of Green Earth:

  1. ARB September 13, 2007 memo rejecting classification of D5 as non-toxic. REVIEW OF TOXICITY INFORMATION ON D5. “Thus, more widespread exposure to D5, a dopamine agonist, has potential public health impacts. Further, D5 appears to have significant bioaccumulative potential, has been measured in several aquatic species at ppm concentrations, and appears to have a long half-life in humans. Thus, D5 persistence in the environment and in animal and human tissues is a concern. OEHHA cannot conclude at this time that D5 is non-toxic.”
  1. Alternative Solvents: Health and Environmental Impacts, 2015. ARB summary of professional apparent care solvents —
  2. OEHHA documentation – 2009
  3. Siloxanes Environment, Health, and Safety Council. Agreement with ARB decision not to classify Green Earth as Non-Toxic professional apparent cleaning process
  4. Green Earth Regulatory overview 2012 (Failed to state ARB decision not to classify Green Earth as Non-Toxic professional apparel cleaning method. Failed to disclosed OEHHA 2009 report on D5

ix Kutz, Josef. (1996) “Textile Care Research Programs in Germany.” USEPA (EPA 744-R-96-002) September 1996 Proceedings: Apparel Care and the Environment: Altnerative Technologies and Labelling. Kutz showed evidence of textile damage caused by long dry cycles required to reduce dry clean solvent emissions required by dry clean pollution control regulations.

x Human Health and Environment Matrix

xi Guidebook, p.56

xii Human Health and Environment Matrix

xiii Guidebook, p.13. Based on customer response from dry cleaners switching to professional wet cleaning

xiv Classic Cleaners. Will Dry Cleaning Turn Your Whites “Dingy”? (Access: July 26, 2017).

xv Kutz, Josef. (1996) “Textile Care Research Programs in Germany.” (see above)

xvi Classic Cleaners. Will Dry Cleaning Turn Your Whites “Dingy”? (Access: July 26, 2017).

xvii Guidebook. Customer response from dry cleaners switching to PWC

xviii Kutz, Josef. (1996) “Textile Care Research Programs in Germany.” (see above)

xix ARB on PWC and CO2 as only non-toxic and non-smog forming cleaning methods; Human Health and Environment Matrix

xx Guidebook, p.13

xxi California Air Resources Board.(September 4,2015). “Alternative Solvents: Health and Enviornmental Impacts”

xxii Classic Cleaners. Will Dry Cleaning Turn Your Whites “Dingy”?

xxiii Los Angeles Times. “Dry-clean solvent to be phased out.” January 26, 2007.

xxiv California Air Resources Board.(September 4,2015). “Alternative Solvents: Health and Enviornmental Impacts”

xxv Human Health and Environment Matrix. The California Air Resources Board has determined that the human health and environmental hazards associated with petroleum and siloxane-based dry clean solvents are sufficient to preclude them from being classified as “non-toxic and non-smog forming” dry clean solvents. See Alternative Solvents: Health and Environmental Impacts, 2015. ARB summary of professional apparent care solvents — For neurotoxicity of petroleum solvents see OEHHA, 2003. Memo from George Alexeeff to Peter Venturini regarding health effects of exposure to alternative dry cleaning solvents, December 2, 2003..

xxvi Human Health and Environment Matrix

xxvii Human Health and Environment Matrix

xxviii Human Health and Environment Matrix

xxix Guidebook

xxx Human Health and Environment Matrix


xxxi Guidebook

xxxii Guidebook

xxxiii Human Health and Environment Matrix

xxxiv Human Health and Environment Matrix

xxxv Guidebook for all claims in paragraph

xxxvi Guidebook

xxxvii Los Angeles Times. “Dry-clean solvent to be phased out.” January 26, 2007.


Human Health, Environmental and Physical Hazards of Professional Apparel Cleaning Technologies

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