SNL has been the go-to source for financial industry intelligence for over 20 years. But we don’t rest on our laurels. That's why the 50 largest commercial banks in the U.S. are SNL clients. Continuous improvement is an SNL hallmark. We keep raising the bar in response to client feedback, giving our customers the intelligence and tools they need to succeed.

The information to
build your competitive strategy.

Whether you’re managing a financial institution or an investment portfolio, SNL is the essential resource. And we keep getting better.

Find out about other enhancements designed to help you succeed and take advantage of our free offers.

Key metrics for top
firms within one hour
of earnings release.

SNL has always been fast, but now we’re even faster. We publish more than 80 key fields of data within 60 minutes of earnings release for the 100 largest banks and the top 75 insurance companies, as well as the top 10 asset and investment management, specialty finance and financial technology firms.

See Example

Peer Analytics:
new ways to screen and
compare companies.

Our new customizable Peer Analytics platform with innovative default logic allows you to score and rank peers using several metrics at once. As a result, you get the most relevant and complete peer analysis for any firm among more than 3,300 U.S. public companies, 20,000 regulated depositories and 4,600 insurance companies.

See Example

Performance Analytics: Identify and model the factors driving bank ROAE.

Take peer comparisons even further with SNL’s new Performance Analytics, which uses a tree-like structure to break down ROAE (Return on Average Equity) into detailed components (yield on loans, cost of deposits, provision for loan losses) for over 21,000 U.S. banks. Model “what-if” scenarios to see hypothetical ROAE resulting from changes to selected drivers.

See sample screens

SNL’s improved Merger
Model streamlines
M&A scenario analysis.

To help clients leverage SNL’s comprehensive banking data for faster M&A assessment, we’ve enhanced the power of our Merger Model tool. Tapping into historical data on more than 6,500 bank transactions, SNL’s Merger Model lets you calculate deal value based on your assumptions.

See Example

Dynamic analysis of
markets and competitors,
branch by branch.

SNL’s bank branch database is known to be the most comprehensive in the industry. Now, our recently-enhanced branch analytics tool allows our clients to leverage our vast database more effectively than ever. Create customized reports using sophisticated mapping while integrating in-depth data.

See Example

New Reg F Template
cuts quarterly reporting time
from days to minutes.

Banks are inundated with ever-growing demands from regulators, requiring the creation of myriad reports. Improvements like our new Reg F template dramatically cut the time it takes to meet these demands. With SNL, you can do in a few minutes what may have previously taken a group of people several days, every quarter, to accomplish.

See Example

Accuracy is
guaranteed, and we’ll
pay you to prove it.

Obsession with data accuracy is part of SNL culture. We’re constantly adding new checks to our data and news gathering procedures. Our accuracy guarantee is stronger than ever. We pay our clients $50 for each error found and reported to us. Try to find another data provider willing to do that.

See Example

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