SNL As-Reported Data brings you total transparency.
SNL Finanacial data
SNL takes you inside the original documents and data behind our standardized tables.

First, SNL made apples-to-apples comparisons easy by standardizing data within our unique industry-specific templates. Now, we're making it easy to go further inside, to view the original As-Reported data behind our standardized tables.

Our new As-Reported Data gives you total transparency, one-click granularity and faster single-company modeling. SNL’s team of analysts has done the hard work, linking up like items over time from different documents to make in-depth company analysis easy. To see a demo with examples of As-Reported tables for specific industries, contact SNL Support at 888.275.2822 or

For a demo, contact your SNL
account manager or SNL Support at 888.275.2822 or

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One SNL Plaza, Charlottesville, VA 22902